A picture is worth a thousand words

Scan your Photo Album Collection

Convert Slides, Negatives and Photo Prints to Digital

Photo Scanning

Benefits of scanning your 35mm slides

Do you have old pictures or slides? We can scan them to digital format and edit them to bring back the true colours and clarity.

Film cameras required skill to use and many pictures were either under-exposed (too dark) or over-exposed (too bright) because it was impossible to see the photos until they have been developed.

However, with the help of technology we can scan and edit old photos and look like a product of a digital camera. We can correct exposure, color-balance and add vibrance and saturation if needed. This is how we convert analog to digital. 

Our Scanning Process

We use a professional Epson flatbed scanner to scan slides, negative and photo prints. Then we use Silverfast – a scanning software to correct colors – saturation, white balance, brightness and color tones. Then we edit slight scratches and small patches visible in the photos. Below are samples of photos that we have scanned and edited. Move the slider to the right to see “before” and move to the left to to see “after”. 

We turn photos from this

To this

The Process is Easy


Place an order online and drop/send your materials to our postal address.



Once we receive it, we scan your photos and do necessary editing and transfer to DVD or USB


We can organize your photos in folders and create a customized slideshow for you for easy viewing.


You receive your digital files in USB stick. Get a private link as well for easy sharing with friends & family.


Get 10-20% discounts on bulk orders over 200 slides/photos

1-100 pcs


per photo

101 – 200 pcs


per photo

201 – 500 pcs


per photo

500+ pcs


per photo